
September 29 - Jesus' Testimony

Luke 22:63-72

Then they said, “What further testimony do we need? We have heard it ourselves from his own lips.” (Luke 22:71 ESV)

Testimony is a powerful thing according to scripture. The apostle John wrote in Revelations that the Church would be made "overcomers by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of our testimony." The truth of a story carries weight when told.

Jesus didn't flinch when telling his story. Even when he was on trial and they were looking to kill him because of his words. He didn't back down. And eventually they did sentence him to death based on his own testimony.

There are a number of belief systems that try to marginalize the deity of Jesus so as to make him compatible with their defunct religion. The truth is that Jesus is compatible with any person, but not every belief system. Jesus did believe that he is the Son of God.

We do things all the time based on the words of others. We make decisions, we make plans, and we react to situations, all based on the things people say. How should we react to what Jesus had to say about his own deity?

Pressing Mat

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/62283018 w=500&h=281] Mat's early years were marked by obesity and abuse. This led him to embrace alcoholism and drug addiction during his formative years. Hear him discuss hitting bottom, and battling back from the brink.

March 21 - The Bigger Deal

Read: Luke 10:17-20

Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven. (Luke 10:20 ESV)

They returned triumphant. They felt victorious. Inspite of some of the rejection and hard heartedness of men, the disciples had done a great work. People had been healed, demons had been cast out, and the gospel message had went forth in preparation for Jesus.

I imagine that this group, mostly comprised of men marginalized by the religious establishment, felt pretty good about themselves. Jesus' words to them don't ring out as a form of correction but as cuationary concern. Of course he wanted them to heal and cast out demons. He was the one that empowered them to do it. The real matter to be rejoiced over was salvation.

In ministry it is really easy to get caught up in the wins. When things are going extremely well you start to ride a wave of success that feels awesome. Knowing God has empowered you to succeed and seeing it happen creates an opportunity to led pride sneak in. Whether you're in vocational ministry or not it is easy to let this kind of thing happen during successful seasons of life.

We must celebrate success, often. We must share stories of life change and the miraculous as they happen. But let us never forget that for each one of us the biggest cause for rejoicing in our life is the salvation of our souls.