September 29 - Jesus' Testimony

Luke 22:63-72

Then they said, “What further testimony do we need? We have heard it ourselves from his own lips.” (Luke 22:71 ESV)

Testimony is a powerful thing according to scripture. The apostle John wrote in Revelations that the Church would be made "overcomers by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of our testimony." The truth of a story carries weight when told.

Jesus didn't flinch when telling his story. Even when he was on trial and they were looking to kill him because of his words. He didn't back down. And eventually they did sentence him to death based on his own testimony.

There are a number of belief systems that try to marginalize the deity of Jesus so as to make him compatible with their defunct religion. The truth is that Jesus is compatible with any person, but not every belief system. Jesus did believe that he is the Son of God.

We do things all the time based on the words of others. We make decisions, we make plans, and we react to situations, all based on the things people say. How should we react to what Jesus had to say about his own deity?