
October 2 - Antipas' Anticipation

Luke 23:6-16

When Herod saw Jesus, he was very glad, for he had long desired to see him, because he had heard about him, and he was hoping to see some sign done by him. (Luke 23:8 ESV)

The Herodian Dynasty was a puppet government established to keep the Jews in check during Roman rule. Herod Antipas was the king during the time of Jesus' public ministry. And, having heard much about the mysterious Galilean teacher, Herod was very interested in seeing Jesus for himself.

Herod even asked the right questions. Was Jesus a king? Did Jesus have the power perform the supernatural? The tragic truth of Herod's investigation lies in the reality that he asked all of the right questions without any of the right motivations. Herod was not interested in finding God. Herod was concerned with finding out if this self-proclaimed "Son of God" could help Herod. Much like the Pharisees and scribes before, Herod wanted to see a sign. He wanted a magic trick. He wanted proof laid before his eyes that Jesus' claims were legit.

I have talked with a number of people in recent years who's views are eerily similar to Herod Antipas'. They are interested in Jesus as a kind of intellectual discovery. They want to know if he can prove himself to them. I believe he can, and often does, but typically only when one is willing to remove their pride and look at the world with some humility and objectivity.

It is pretty safe to say that Herod's anticipation ended with disappointment. But Jesus is only disappointing to those who refuse to see him for who he is.

May 25 - No Signs

Read: Mark 8:10-12

And he sighed deeply in his spirit and said, "Why does this generation seek a sign? Truly, I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation." (Mark 8:12 ESV)

Why are we always looking for signs? We seem to be a people who crave the security of inside information.  We doggedly go about searching for clues or insights to the near and far future. We even sometimes fall into the trap of worshipping that kind of information, maybe not in ritualistic religious observances, but with our intense desires and passions.

The Gospels record Jesus being approached about his signs on a few different occasions.  People wanted proof of his claim.  They wanted some kind of supernatural ID, but they wanted it on their schedule and on their time.  He had already been demonstrating all kinds of supernatural things. Healings, exorcisms, and other miraculous wonders that superseded the natural world.

I believe God does supernatural things for two reasons.  He does them simply because He loves us and wishes to help us.  And He also does them to bring glory to Himself.  He does not do them to whoa us, wow us, or woo us.  No sign is coming simply to sate our estranged curiosity. God does not work on our time, to please our whims, or to satisfy our selfishness.

I think that leaves us with an important question.  Will be of a generation that freely receives from God simply because He loves us and is longing to demonstrate His love? Or, will we go to Him as the Pharisees did with our list of demands and conditions for belief? One option leaves us disappointed, depraved, and destitute. The other leaves us sitting as His feet, awaiting the Father’s good pleasure.

May 24 - Seeing Signs

Read: Luke 11:29-32

For as Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh, so will the Son of Man be to this generation. (Luke 11:30 ESV)

Seeing is believing right? For most of us it is simply easier to accept what we can see. But it is also important to ask yourself, what exactly do I see? What is the sign before my eyes?

Jesus declared that he himself would be a sign to his generation. The nation was in turmoil. They were occupied by a conquering force. They were crushed by a cruel puppet king. They were spiritually starving under the leadership of a corrupt religious aristocracy. Jesus was the sign that all of that would change, and it did.

What kind of sign is before your eyes? Do you see Jesus? Do you see him for who he is?

Jesus does change everything. His death was the catalyst for our new life and restored relationship with God. Look to him. Find answers. Find assurance. Find provision and find peace.

May 23 - Seeking Signs

Read: Matthew 12:38-42

Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered him, saying, "Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you." (Matthew 12:38 ESV)

I use signs a lot when I'm driving. Especially if I am traveling into new territory or looking for somewhere/something new. In our culture we depend on signs so much that we invented technology to give us audible voiced cues as we drive down the road. We want to see and know what is ahead. We want proof.

The religious leaders in Jesus' time wanted proof as well. Or at least they outwardly claimed that it was proof they were aster. Some were motivated by their power, influence, and bank accounts, but ere were those among their number earnestly seeking to please God, and serve Him. I'm not sure what category the group fell into that first asked Jesus for a sign, but I know that his response addressed the real issue.

What is it about us that demands proof? Is it mistrust, a lack of faith, or absurd arrogance? Maybe it is a meandering conglomerate of all of them. Maybe we vacillate between varying shades of mistrust and arrogance in our pursuit of proof. But what lies at the core of what we are actually searching for in our pursuit of proof? Are we hoping to find irrefutable evidence for the existence of God or the supremacy of the human intellect? Many with varying opinions would argue that proof for both arguments already exists. No, the answer to what we are seeking is secondary, or maybe even tertiary. The chief question in our humanly selfish pursuit of proof is, why are we seeking proof? Or, why do we demand a sign? The answer to that question reveals a great deal about our hearts.