Mark 8

June 21 - Rebuking Jesus

Read: Mark 8: 31-33

And he said this plainly. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. (Mark 8:32 ESV)

Jesus knew that he must suffer. He knew his identity, he knew his purpose, he knew the means and the end. I do not believe that he went into it without apprehension, heartache, or pain, but I know that he fully embraced the eternal implications and the necessity for the atrocities that would be committed against him.

After having confessed Jesus as the Christ, Peter was appalled upon learning the truth about what was to come for Christ. He started rebuking Jesus, declaring that these terrible things must not happen to the Messiah. It was Jesus' turn to rebuke Peter. He put him in his proper place, explained the necessity for the horrors he would endure, and continued his mission.

Have you ever tried to tell God He was wrong? Have you ever thought you had a better idea or a better way to do something? I know have, on both accounts. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in ourselves and our desires that we chastise God for thinking of the bigger picture.

I encourage you today to stop and think about what you have planned for the day. Is there a way that you can use your day's activities to point people to the bigger picture of God?

May 25 - No Signs

Read: Mark 8:10-12

And he sighed deeply in his spirit and said, "Why does this generation seek a sign? Truly, I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation." (Mark 8:12 ESV)

Why are we always looking for signs? We seem to be a people who crave the security of inside information.  We doggedly go about searching for clues or insights to the near and far future. We even sometimes fall into the trap of worshipping that kind of information, maybe not in ritualistic religious observances, but with our intense desires and passions.

The Gospels record Jesus being approached about his signs on a few different occasions.  People wanted proof of his claim.  They wanted some kind of supernatural ID, but they wanted it on their schedule and on their time.  He had already been demonstrating all kinds of supernatural things. Healings, exorcisms, and other miraculous wonders that superseded the natural world.

I believe God does supernatural things for two reasons.  He does them simply because He loves us and wishes to help us.  And He also does them to bring glory to Himself.  He does not do them to whoa us, wow us, or woo us.  No sign is coming simply to sate our estranged curiosity. God does not work on our time, to please our whims, or to satisfy our selfishness.

I think that leaves us with an important question.  Will be of a generation that freely receives from God simply because He loves us and is longing to demonstrate His love? Or, will we go to Him as the Pharisees did with our list of demands and conditions for belief? One option leaves us disappointed, depraved, and destitute. The other leaves us sitting as His feet, awaiting the Father’s good pleasure.

May 10 - Soul Value

Read: Matthew 16:24-26; Mark 8:31-38; Luke 9:23-26

For what can a man give in return for his soul? (Mark 8:37 ESV)

What is the going rate for your soul? That's the core of the question Jesus asked his followers. In other words, what are you willing to trade for your soul?

I remember the old stories of blues guitarists that used to talk about trading their soul to learn to play the guitar. Of course they seem far-fetched, fanciful, and silly, but the truth is that people are casually trading their soul for inconsequential things on a regular basis. Money, fame, pleasure, reputation, distraction, and security are all distractions that consume. They often seem harmless enough, and they are not all inherently evil things. However, by our nature we are creatures of worship and we love to invest ourselves (to often unhealthy levels) in things that are of minimal or no actual benefit.

Jesus values your soul. In truth it is who you really are. You may not feel valued. Society and circumstances may have tried to train or teach you that you have no value, but it is a lie. Jesus values you so much that he wants to spend eternity with you. And he even died to make that happen.

Know your worth. Know your value. And please know the one who values you most.