
Where Are You Going?

​Dave Matthews asked a compelling question. I know it was a compelling question because it was featured heavily in one of the only movies Adam Sandler made that didn’t stink. Dave’s question: Where are you going?

So, um, where are YOU going? Usually when a guy like me asks that question what we really want to know is if you think you’re going to heaven. That’s a pretty monumental question. You should have a good answer for that one.

But I mean right now. Where are you going? Grocery store? Football practice? Shady backroom business deal? Are those real?

Where are you going? As in—what are you on your way to do?


I’m convinced we are all going somewhere. A key part of my faith leads me to believe in a postmortem metaphysical destination— aka afterlife. But I sincerely hope you don’t wait until you’re dead to go somewhere. You have a perfectly great before life available to you right now.

Do something with it. Run with the bulls. Buy a guitar and write your wife love songs. Figure out a way to tap into the stuff inside your soul that fires you up—and do a lot of that. Invite other people to do it with you.

I know someday will be my last day. And like the guy with the big sword and blue face said—I want all of my days between this one and that one—to mean something.

So where are you going? Where I’m going is in the direction of somewhere I’ve never been. It’s a new me that is learning as much as I can. Loving as much as I can. Living as much as I can.

Because the where we’re going right now is less about a set of points on a map and more about a drive through the mountains. Full of twists and turns and ups and downs and all of the beautiful in betweens. Where are you going? Wherever it is I hope you won’t go it alone.

Everyday Difference


 “Make a life-giving difference in your everyday world.” That was the answer to the question I had never even realized I needed to ask: What do you want to do with your life?

As a man of faith, and family it can be really easy to pour my everything into those two things. But the simple and honest reality is I am more than a man of faith; and I more than a husband, Dad, son, brother, etc.. The two inform a major piece of me, maybe even the majority of me, but I am more—and so are you.

I mess this up a lot. There are entire days that meander by with my having made almost no difference for anyone whatsoever. Especially if I get caught in the self-reflective trap that’s so easy to slog my way into on occasion. 

However, what I really want is to leave everyday a little better because I showed up. I want every room to be a little brighter because I brought love there with me. I want everyone to know they are important.

I get it wrong a lot. I’m still learning a lot about this.  But I know my life is aimed at something bigger than I’m able to do on my own. I know I want to learn a little more, love a little more, and live a little more.

I want to do all of it in the company of the people who mean the most to me—and I want to invite as many as possible into this same adventure. High-fives, handshakes, and attaboys are the tip of the ice-berg. Let’s aim at the everyday difference we can leave in our wake when we love everyone the right way.

Let’s lay down our conditions. Let’s set aside stereotypes, hasty generalizations, and the mind numbing polarization that frankly most of us grew tired of months ago. Let’s offer a kind word, a neighborly gesture, and strong hand to those who need us.

Let’s get where we’re going in the glad company of everyone around us. Let’s do it together. Let’s make an everyday difference. What are we waiting for?