
Carried In

Today was a pretty special day all around. I got a little older today. For thirty eight years now I’ve been breathing the clean air of the Arkansas River Valley under its bright blue sky.

This morning we started meeting in our new location with our faith family New Life Church. I grabbed this pic of my dad with my youngest son.


There are so many cool things happening here. I don’t think my dad knew I was taking it. This is just him. Loving my son. Carrying him to church.

My dad always carried me to church. I know not everyone’s father does that. Mine did. Sometimes, like when I was little, it was in his arms. But my dad always took me to church. Because his dad always took him to church.

Faith, and love, and family will get us to where we belong. We belong together. We belong in the places and the spaces where we can be loved better than anywhere else.

I wouldn’t pretend to assume that our church is perfect. We make mistakes. We aren’t the best. But we try. We want to love well, live well, and learn how to do it better the next time. I learned that from a dad who always took me to church.

Everyday Difference


 “Make a life-giving difference in your everyday world.” That was the answer to the question I had never even realized I needed to ask: What do you want to do with your life?

As a man of faith, and family it can be really easy to pour my everything into those two things. But the simple and honest reality is I am more than a man of faith; and I more than a husband, Dad, son, brother, etc.. The two inform a major piece of me, maybe even the majority of me, but I am more—and so are you.

I mess this up a lot. There are entire days that meander by with my having made almost no difference for anyone whatsoever. Especially if I get caught in the self-reflective trap that’s so easy to slog my way into on occasion. 

However, what I really want is to leave everyday a little better because I showed up. I want every room to be a little brighter because I brought love there with me. I want everyone to know they are important.

I get it wrong a lot. I’m still learning a lot about this.  But I know my life is aimed at something bigger than I’m able to do on my own. I know I want to learn a little more, love a little more, and live a little more.

I want to do all of it in the company of the people who mean the most to me—and I want to invite as many as possible into this same adventure. High-fives, handshakes, and attaboys are the tip of the ice-berg. Let’s aim at the everyday difference we can leave in our wake when we love everyone the right way.

Let’s lay down our conditions. Let’s set aside stereotypes, hasty generalizations, and the mind numbing polarization that frankly most of us grew tired of months ago. Let’s offer a kind word, a neighborly gesture, and strong hand to those who need us.

Let’s get where we’re going in the glad company of everyone around us. Let’s do it together. Let’s make an everyday difference. What are we waiting for?