

 I marveled at the near midnight colors of the clouds cutting across the wing on my side of our Boeing jet as we made our decent into Peru just a few short hours ago. Blues, greys, and intermittent flashes of red, orange, green, and white played across my narrow field of vision—and then it happened. We broke the cloud line.

The mist-filled murkiness of our midnight approach into South American peeled away into a crystal clear visage of a sea of lights. Lima loomed below. Beautiful and beckoning at the end of an approximated 2,900 miles of flying.

We were here. Peru. Adventure and opportunity await. Prayer and planning have refined and pointed us toward our purpose. Let's do this!

GO12: Trailer - Leaving

Daniel and I have been working on a short film documenting our recent trip to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic for over a month, and it is almost finished.  We recently screened the nearly completed version with a few people who went on the trip and it was met with a warm reception.  We are excited about getting it out there for more people to see. Written by Grant Jones one late night in Santo Domingo, this trailer captures the heart of what the film is about, leaving.  I hope you enjoy the trailer.
