matthew 28

November 27 - All Authority

Read: Matthew 28:16-20, 1 Corinthians 15:6

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." (Matthew 28:18 ESV)

Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep. (1 Corinthians 15:6 ESV)

Jesus appears to the eleven apostles and five hundred believers on Mount Tabor. He charged them to share his message. He gave them guardianship of the Gospel. And he encouraged them to rely on their representative authority based on his own complete authority.

Jesus is the ultimate authority. Many passages outlined by the Old Testament prophets speak about the ruling servant king, the Messiah. John the Apostle's oft studied Revelations describes the story of the One and Only Jesus returning for his Bride, the Church, and initiating his eternal reign of authority.

On a practical level, we can live, love, and laugh just a little bit freer today knowing that any authority we possess is a gift from our greater authority. Jesus holds the key to the Kingdom of God. He holds the power of the Creator. He holds All Authority.

November 17 - Alive!

Read: Matthew 28:1-10

He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. (Matthew 28:6 ESV)

Jesus was raised from the dead after three days in the tomb. He had talked about it, predicted it, and then he did it! The authority of Jesus and declaration of his divinity was he resurrection. It is the linchpin of Christianity. Without Christ's resurrection there is no redemption. There is no second chance at a renewed life.

Jesus brought people back a few times during his ministry. Each time was a notable event, but his resurrection was altogether different. When Jesus called Lazarus from the tomb Lazarus was still just a man. He grew old, and eventually he died. The other people that Christ raised all would go on to carry out the natural course of their life. Jesus was different. Jesus didn't lie in a tomb for three days, become miraculously revived, and then go on to die an old man at a later date.

Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, is the inky one to ever be resurrected. His return to life was not temporary—it was permanent. He defeated death, and by his conquering resurrection he has called us into life eternal. He left death behind, and one day so will we.