
May 5 - Friends & Faith

Read: Matthew 9:2-8; Mark 2:3-12; Luke 5:18-26

And they came, bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men. (Mark 2:3 ESV)

Story of Jesus and the paralytic is one of my favorites. Just imagine for a second if you'd been in Jesus' place. He was standing there teaching all of those people—it was a capacity crowd—and suddenly the roof opened up and a crippled man was lowered into the room.

Jesus had compassion on the paralytic. He healed him. He forgave his sins. But what if the paralytic's friends hadn't lowered him through the roof?

Who are you in this story? Certainly there have been times in my life when I was the paralytic. On many occasions I have found myself on the receiving end of an encounter with Jesus that was initiated by a loving friend. Sometimes that friend didn't even know what they did. Hopefully we all have friends like that. People who would tear apart houses and disturb the neighborhood, loved ones that would be willing to shake up the status quo a bit to initiate an encounter with the Prince of Peace.

What about all of those people around us that don't have anyone like that in their lives? There are millions, no billions, of people who need an encounter with Jesus. And every one of them needs at least one friend who would be willing to get out of their comfort zone and take them to Jesus.

Sometimes introducing someone to the King of Kings is about simply demonstrating an authentic lifestyle. At other times its about opening your mouth and sharing the truth. And then sometimes you just have to get them to a place where Jesus is. What will you do when the time comes to carry them to the One they need most of all?

March 11 - God Knows and Cares

Read: Matthew 10:26-33

But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. (Matthew 10:30 ESV)

God cares about you deeply. Jesus implicitly expressed this as he prepared to send out his followers to minister to the Jews. The message was multi-faceted, yet clear. The disciples and other followers of Jesus would face persecution, but God would help them. God cared for them. God valued them.

Depending on where you live you may face actual physical persecution for your faith. It is something that is far more prevalent than many in the American Church realize. This kind of persecution always has a variety of outcomes. Sometimes the person is miraculously delivered. Often someone gives their life for their faith.

Jesus reassured his followers that hard times were to come. Following him meant something. It was historic. It was monumental in the shaping of the destiny of creation. And basically all of Jesus' disciples died martyr's deaths. John, the youngest of the disciples, was the only one not killed for his faith. But it wasn't for a lack of trying.

John was dipped in boiling oil, he was set on fire, and he was poisoned. None of it worked. What was so special about John? I'm not entirely sure. However, I know that Jesus expressed value in all of his followers. A value that extends to those who authentically follow him today. In truth, Jesus knows us better than we even know ourselves. I'll admit, that thought gives me a great deal of comfort.

Life in the Blue Light

20120904-005330.jpg Lying here in bed I see past the dimlit borders of my iPad to a cascading forest of shadows all around this room. It's late. We're sleeping, well they're sleeping. Me, my wife, my son, and one of our three cats are all piled up in our bed, bathing in the luminescent azure haze of Ethan's baby monitor.

His teeth are starting to come in, and it hurts. So he cries, and he doesn't understand why he hurts, so he wants mommy. So sleep only comes to him in the presence of his parents. Here in our bed where he can snuggle close between mommy and daddy, safe in the blue light.

The blue light is mostly for us. It's a nifty little light that is part of his baby monitor. Usually we leave it beside his crib but tonight he sleeps with us, and I want the blue light here so we can easily see him if he wakes. I need it. He is mine and how can I watch him if I can't see him? So here we are living life in the blue light.

God shines His light on you too if you let Him. Like an eternal watchman, He casts His gaze in your direction, and like the light of our blue baby monitor, the Great Father of Lights watches over you as you snuggle close. He comforts and cares when you hurt, and when you fail. You are His and how can He watch you if He can't see you? So here we are living life in the blue light.