Your life is a story. It is. It is your story. You will experience cast changes, genre shifts, and season finales. You will suffer through cliff-hangers, tragedies, and bad writing. Budget cuts, box office success, and misinterpretation are to be expected.
What is your story? Where, when, or how? Many of us become intricately woven into the tedium of predicting, or manufacturing, our ideal ending; but what about the moments that lead up to the closing credits?
The greatest stories are not those told frivolously without thought, or care, or creativity invested in the telling. The best stories are always told with passion and purpose. I believe that God has set you upon this world to be, join, and live a story. His story, your story, and a story that we all share in together. Sometimes it takes us a while to warm up to the part. Some sadly never discover their role in the story. Many never realize they are the sum of their own story. While still others think that their story is the only story of any importance.
How will you steer the nature of your's? Will you get lost in your own narrative? Or will you join your story to the Greater Work. We have been given the chance to join a bigger narrative. A story larger than our own. We must only take our role.