
I Love This Season

20130305-225727.jpg I love spring. I really look forward to it every year. And no, it's not quite spring yet. Especially these last few days have felt very unspringish—with a naughty wind that feels like winter's stubborn attempt to linger longer than it is welcome. But as the saying around here goes... this is Arkansas, if you don't like the weather just wait a little, it will change. Isn't that the truth? Weather is always changing here. Seasons are seasonal. We have four on the calendar but some years if feels like we have about fourteen.

Life can get that way too. It has its ebb and flow. There are times when things feel incredible. You feel unstoppable, unbeatable, and if you're looking in the direction, incredibly humbled by it all. That pretty much sums up how I'm feeling these days. Life is just so incredibly undeservedly good.

I'm working harder than I have ever worked in my life. I'm busier than I have ever been. I've taken on more responsibility, committed myself to do more, be more, and give more—and rather than feeling used up and burned out I am loving it! For me, this is a very good season.

My son will be a year old in three weeks, these last several months have been magical in a way that is inexplicably serene. I love my wife in a greater measure than I ever have before. I have built bonds in ministry that are astounding and eternal. The truth is that I have actually done very little of anything in any of this.

God is definitely at work in my life. Good things are happening. So while the weather can change at a moment's notice, for now I am going to keep on keeping on. I'm going to enjoy this season.