Luke 3

February 8 - Good News

Read: Luke 3:15-22

So with many other exhortations he preached good news to the people. (Luke 3:18 ESV)

John preached to large crowds. He baptized a lot of people. He made a difference where he was through his courageous commitment to God's plan for mankind. And the message that he delivered was one full of good news.

We all like good news, and lets face it, that's not always the kind of news we get to hear on a regular basis. If you tune into any kind of prominent media network you are almost instantly confronted by the seemingly harsh nature of a world gone terribly awry. I once even heard a practicing journalist say, "If it bleeds it leads." For some reason people are entertained and captivated by the macabre, sensational, and despairing events of our world. In stark reality the good news of the day, those feel good stories about the better side of life, rarely seem to carry as much impact.

John's message of good news was the ultimate message. His message literally was the Good News. It was the message of the Gospel. He was declaring to the PreChristian world the reality of the impending arrival of the Messiah. The one that would save the people from their sins.

Jesus is still the Good News. He still saves people from their sins. He is hope for the hopeless. He is the best news.

February 6 - Stuff

Read: Luke 3:4-14

And the crowds asked him, "What then shall we do?" (Luke 3:10 ESV)

John and Jesus preached to anyone and everyone. Their message and motives were the same. They longed to see God's chosen people returned to a special relationship with God. Hundreds and sometimes thousands followed their uniquely demonstrative ministries. John at one point, after admonishing some of the religious elite for their spiritual malpractice, had soldiers and tax collectors seeking his counsel. John told them to share out of their abundance, and to be content with their possessions.

Today that teaching pretty much flies in the face of what many of us do. We hoard stuff, get stuff, and want stuff. Take Thanksgiving for example, some of us can barely even spend one day offering a token "Thanks!" for the stuff we already have before rushing out the next day to get more.

What if we gave away all that we could to those who are in need? What if we were content with our pay? What if we demonstrated joy that said, "I don't need more?"

The truth is, we should want to help those who need help even when we don't have the means to help them, and when we do have the means we should go the extra step and help them every way we can. Also, we should be content with the stuff we have, not in a way that limits our dreams or holds us back from promotion or advancement, but in a way that puts that kind of pursuit in a proper place among our priorities.

January 10 - A Better Man

Read: Genesis 2 and Luke 3:23-38

Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry. He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph, the son of Heli, the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God. (Luke 3:23, 38 NIV)

Have you ever heard someone use the phrase "better man"? Like, "Oh, he's a better man than me for that." They usually mean that the person they are referring to is of a higher moral aptitude for having achieved something which they themselves could not. In contrasting the first man Adam with the Son of Man Jesus such is the case.

Adam and Eve were placed in the middle of paradise. Eden was a beautiful garden the likes of which we cannot even begin to properly imagine. They had everything they needed, and all that they could ever really want. Yet when the devil came into the story he was able to trick and deceive them into sin by making them think God has somehow held back from them.

Jesus faced the same scenario in his life. He was tempted by the devil to believe that there is something to be gained beyond that which God has provided. His choice was not to believe the lie. He was and is the better man. He is the better Adam. The only man to ever make the right choice every time.