18 months. Everyday for 18 months we have spent with our big boys. In the beginning it was hard. We had to find new rhythms. Like everybody else we faced all the unknowns around us. We struggled with how to lead our family and faith family through a pandemic. We did our best. You did too.
While the world seemed to go off the rails and people turned their opinions into their passions it all got a lot more confusing for all of us. But we did our best. While politics and social turmoil seemed rampant everyone was shouting that you should do this or do that. But all you should ever do is your best.
Some days it will seem like your best is not enough. Which is hard to face when so much is at stake. But all you should ever do is your best. And trust God to make up the difference.
18 months. Everyday for 18 months we have spent with our big boys. Until today. Ethan led his little brother into their school. He helped him find his classroom. Now it’s their time to do their best.
Last night at the dinner table I held Jon close and hugged him tight. I felt myself grieving the passing of time and the changing of this hard season into a new season. But all you should ever do is your best. I believe we have. And so have you. Trust God to make up the difference.