What’s Your Taco?

For years I thought, I’m just a hillbilly from the Arkansas River Valley—what in the world can I do? So I earned a couple of college degrees; and guess what? The thinking didn’t really change. It just became: I’m just an educated hillbilly from the Arkansas River Valley—what in the world can I do? I had a limiting belief.

You will only go as fast as you think you can. You will only win as often as you dare to play. You will only close the deal you try to land. What is limiting you?


Someone, somewhere, within the hallowed halls of corporate Burger King decided tacos should be on the menu. Tacos. At Burger King. I guess that’s what we get when you take “Have it your way” to it’s natural conclusion. The Burger King taco, for good or bad, is proof of what’s possible when you buck a limiting belief.

Everyone has a limiting belief. Things we believe about ourself or our situation that limit us. They keep us from being or doing all that we can. They limit us in several ways.

Limiting beliefs shape your effort. You won’t try something you already think you will fail at. You won’t sign up for the race. You won’t take the class. You won’t pitch the new idea to your boss. So drop the limiting belief that impacts your effort and begin to see what you’re actually capable of.

Limiting beliefs shape your opportunities. You hold back based on what you believe about yourself and people of influence in your everyday world notice it. Except, they may not realize you are holding back. They may think what’s on offer is the full potential you have at your disposal. Will they bring you a new opportunity? Probably not. Your limiting belief shapes your opportunities. 

Limiting beliefs shape your relationships. Your lack of belief in yourself is noticeable. There may be some really good people in your world that will love and support you in spite of this. Outside of that protected relational sphere, where the social construct of society and the reality of human interaction happen, things will be different. Confidence begats confidence. You can take it too far. Research has found that most people don’t want to follow someone who thinks they are invincible either. But it’s terribly hard to create a healthy nurturing relationship with someone that carries around a noticeable limiting belief.

When you drop the limiting belief the shape of your effort, opportunities, and relationships will change. They will be much more healthy.  You will change. What is your limiting belief? What will you do to leave it behind? What’s your taco? What’s stopping you?