July 31 - For This Purpose

John 12:27-36

“Now is my soul troubled. And what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But for this purpose I have come to this hour. (John 12:27 ESV)

Jesus could have saved himself. He didn't have to suffer for us. He had a choice. However, as the Son of God he chose to bridge the gap between Heaven and Earth. He chose to become the mediator. The Way.

As he told his followers, it was "for this purpose" that he has come. Not to be a good moral teacher. Not merely to perform miraculous healings. And not to stir up the religious elite. He came for the express purpose of restoring humanity to the relationship God intended.

Have you ever set out to do something with a purpose? Have you ever let something interfere? I know I have, and often do. The truth is that we're not quite on par with Jesus. We're pretty far off the mark.

But he maintained. He persisted. To the point of death. He knew his purpose, he embraced his purpose, and he fulfilled his purpose.

We can find our own purpose in this life. Chances our that the seeds for God's great purpose for your life have long since been planted in your soul. Look for your purpose, embrace your purpose, fulfill your purpose.