March 12 - Lose to Find

Read: Matthew 10:34-39

Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. (Matthew 10:39 ESV)

The Christian life can at times seem full of paradoxical things. One such paradox is the notion of losing life and finding life. Jesus was pretty clear. If you think you have found your life, you're lost, but if you're willing to let go of everything...only then will you really begin to live.

This is the kind of life he invites us into. To live, love, and serve him with everything. That in this process we abandon previous notions of what we thought our life was supposed to look like, and instead offer ourselves as a willing servant to be used for his purposes.

I am thirty two years old and rarely feel like I have it all figured out. I am solid in my relationship with God. That is, I am committed to continually growing in affection and obedience toward God. Even in that I find that I certainly never seem to know exactly what's going on in life every step of the way. Much of it often still seems a mystery.

It's actually when I begin to embrace the mystery of God that I usually grow the most in Him. Why? Because when I'm willing to place my faith in Jesus and follow where he leads I am willing to walk toward or away from anything. In those moments I am willing to lose the comfort and security of life to chase him completely. It's when you wake up thinking and acting like you have it all figured our that you are really in trouble. Which side of that coin do you find yourself on today?