Read: John 1:14-18
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14 ESV)
Both the power and mystery of the truth of Christianity rests in the idea of God becoming a man as Jesus. He is often called Immanuel which means God with us. The way John worded it was equally powerful. That Jesus was with God from the beginning of beginnings is a central idea to historical Christianity. He is often referenced prior to the incarnation as the Word.
The word of God, the bible, is God's written account to us. It is inspired, supernatural, and active in its communication of God's voice to mankind. Jesus is the Word of God. More than written account, theological facts, or revelatory teachings, Jesus is the Living Word. He is the ongoing Truth of God's love for mankind.
The bible is important, and it is the word, but Jesus is the divine inspiration behind the bible. He is the Word. In truth he left infinitude and became flesh to display and reveal the glory of God to all people. Our only path to the absolute truth is through the Word, through Jesus. Ultimately he is God's final, future, and ongoing message of grace and truth.
If you find yourself alone, miserable, and wayward, Jesus is the way back. If you find yourself confused, condemned, and corrupt, Jesus is the way back. He came lived, died, and lived again to go on living in us so that in him we might be free. In him we might the Truth of the Glory of God.