February 5 - The Fruit

Read: Matthew 3:1-10

Bear fruit in keeping with repentance. (Matthew 3:8 ESV)

When I was a kid growing up on the family farm we raised watermelons by the thousands in the summers. We poured our lives into producing that fruit. It took work, but there were always a lot of fruit to show for it. Why? Because under the right conditions fruit doesn't have to even try to be produced. It just does what it was made to do.

John, and Jesus after him, preached a message of repentance and life-change through forgiveness of sins. The message went off like a bomb in the vicinity of his ministry. It connected with people. It drove people to seek, find, and be found by God. It produced repentance and life change. John charged those under his ministry to demonstrate that life change to others through the fruit their life produced.

Our lives are supposed to show fruit. They are supposed to demonstrate to others the miraculous nature of the change that has been (and is being) made in us. Sometimes we try really hard to work at showing everyone the kind of fruit we think we should be displaying, and there is something to be said about being intentional; but in reality things that bear fruit don't have to try to bear it.

God made the plan. God made the conditions. God made the changes in us. He did all of the work, and we are receiving the benefits of his holy effort. We shouldn't even have to try to display or bear fruit in keeping with repentance. Actually, if we are having to strive to put some kind of great laborious effort into demonstrating Christian fruit, we may need to go back and reexamine our relationship with Jesus. If we have submitted to him, and we are following his plan for our lives, with his help, fruit in keeping with repentance should be a clear result.