Jordan Patton is an amazing young lady. She would tell you differently because she walks with the Lord endowed with a special kind of unassuming humility that is not typical of American culture. She serves as a medic in the U.S. Army, and is in the ROTC program at Arkansas Tech University where she majors in Health and Wellness. She has been involved with our ministry for nearly a year. The following is an excerpt from her personal journal she wanted to share after her experience with a Dominican church last night.
God I am so thankful for your presence. This experience is life changing. That's what I want. I want to be totally transformed into a woman of God. I am still overwhelmed with your presence, even after the service is long gone. I always want to be accepted so bad and I put the opinions of others before yours. But I am already accepted by you. What else matters?
I have always known your love, but tonight I had a revolution. I was hit so hard with your love that I can't imagine needing anything more out of life. But I know when I start my day tomorrow the weight of the world is going to pull on me. It happens every time. I have an overwhelming connection with you and then I slowly start fading back into the person I don't want to be. I can't even explain how badly I don't want that to happen again.
I'm so thankful for the people you have placed in my life to encourage me and help me grow closer to you. I don't want this life to be a process of me inching closer to you. I want to serve you with every intricate part of my body. I want every second to be consumed with you. I want to be a prime example of a radical Christian.
Edwin told me not to be afraid to be that woman. It's ok to be the first. It's ok to show your emotions. He said It's ok to be over the top. I need your help God. I know I will never be perfect, but please God please don't let me go back. Always moving forward. And help me to be comfortable in my own skin. You made me this way for a reason. Help me to stop molding myself into other people and start molding myself into you. I need you so much. More than I ever have before.
More than ever I realize my life is not about me. Help me to live with that mindset.
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