Enter with thepassword: "Thank you!" Make yourselves at home, talking praise. ThankHim. Worship Him. – Psalm 100:4 (The Message)
Worship is a powerful thing. It is a deeply spiritual thing. It is the act of connecting you to that which you adore and reverethrough unequivocal soul-baring intimacy.
These days people worship a lot of things. More often than not, however, I see peopleworshipping themselves. As if we everreally did anything good for ourselves.
No, the Scriptures are pretty clear. There is nothing about worship of self thatever can or will truly satisfy any of the deep longings of our soul. We were made to worship Him.
Worship is so much bigger than the box we hide it intoo. It’s more than a series of songsthat comes at the beginning of your Sunday service. Truth be told, it has little to do with musicat all; but music can and often is a great facilitator of worship.
The simplest acts of worship are those that involve youbaring your heart and soul to Him; not because He doesn’t already know or understandwhat resides there, but because He enjoys the effort it takes on the part of usinherently selfish creatures to such a thing. The phrase “sacrifice of praise” is right on target. What could be harder for a creature that hasput themselves on the throne of their life, than to step down from that throneand offer it to the only One deserving of said seat. Doing so is an act of worship. It takes us to what the Psalmist often calledthe Secret Place.
I like this secret place we find in Him. The only way to get there is by thankingHim. We find ourselves at Home inworship of the One is wholy and truly deserving of all adoration, reverence,and immeasurable uplifting. Thank Him.